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ID.3 - La courbe de recharge sur borne rapide CCS

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Le 27/10/2021 à 11:47, cadeno a dit :

Merci - je ne trouve pas vers quel site pointe trionity (ej retourne principalement trinity project de VW et des trucs de jeu de role :)) Aurais-tu un lien?
sorry en ce moment je ne suis pas super actif sur le forum…

Modifié par Fox

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Le 03/11/2021 à 20:08, DOUDYEU a dit :


Pour les anciennes ID3 58KW, la mise a jour pour la charge à 125 Kw est prévue ou c est simplement pour les modeles achetés a partir de juin 2021?

Dans la dernière vidéo de BatteryLife sur la 3.0 il parle d'une mise à jour OTA pour augmenter la puissance de charge pour les premiers modèles à venir à l'été 2022.

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Le 03/11/2021 à 20:08, DOUDYEU a dit :


Pour les anciennes ID3 58KW, la mise a jour pour la charge à 125 Kw est prévue ou c est simplement pour les modeles achetés a partir de juin 2021?

C’est prévu, mais pas en OTA. Il va falloir passer en atelier pour mettre à jour un module qui ne peut l’être en OTA pour le moment.


Posté ce midi sur Facebook par VW


Dear ID. Drivers,
In the past few weeks, we have received many similar questions on essential topics. In the following, we have summarized the most important information according to the current status and hope that it will answer most of your questions. Further questions on these or other topics are welcome, and we will continue to make every effort to provide you with answers as quickly as possible. We ask for your understanding that we will not be able to provide more precise information on specific dates until later.
Enhancements to the We Connect ID. App
We are continuously working on improving and enhancing the app. Some new functions have already been added, most recently, for example, the preconditioning timer and the possibility of activating charging stations via the app. From the beginning of next year (2022), the app will receive additional functions that are also strongly based on your feedback (e.g. Car Finder).
Updatability of already produced vehicles from the ID. Family
Of course, we are also constantly optimizing the hardware of the ID.s - but in less finely timed steps than the software (usually with new model years or major product upgrades). It is our goal to design software updates during the year in such a way that existing ID. vehicles benefit from software improvements for as long as possible. This is possible because not all updates dig deep into the operating system or depend on new hardware.
Increasing the charging capacity via Over-the-Air (OTA) update
At the moment, the control units (ECU = electronic control unit) responsible for this are not yet updateable over-the-air. However, we are currently preparing a service campaign to which your Volkswagen partner will invite you and from which you will benefit in several ways:
  • You will receive a new, technologically updated 12 V battery - the actual reason for the service campaign.
  • At the same time, further ECUs will be made OTA updateable.
  • Improvements in winter performance and improvements in the experience of future OTA updates.
Please note that the prerequisite for the installation of these is ID.Software2.3.
Retrofittability of hardware (for subsequent activation of additional functions)
There are very strong technical dependencies between the vehicle components. Therefore, a partial hardware exchange does not usually lead to a securely functioning system. Of course, we will look at the possibility of subsequent hardware installation individually for each hardware update.
Errors in the use of the function - "Preferred charging times"
Various measures are currently being prepared for this and will be part of one of the upcoming update campaigns.
Range optimization at low outside temperatures
With the upcoming ID. Software update, we are introducing improvements through optimized thermal management. This reduces consumption and thus increases the range by adjusting the activation threshold of the battery heating, especially in short-haul operation. At the same time, the charging performance in winter is improved by adjusting the heating threshold for DC charging.
In a further step, the preconditioning of the high-voltage battery during AC charging is also improved. The maximum charging power will also be increased. The optimization of the heating curves for the interior in the new climate software also contributes to increasing efficiency on short journeys in winter.
As you can see, many of the improvements are based on your feedback and ideas! Thank you very much and best regards,
Your Volkswagen ID. Team
Modifié par Flavien21

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Le 04/11/2021 à 17:14, Flavien21 a dit :

C’est prévu, mais pas en OTA. Il va falloir passer en atelier pour mettre à jour un module qui ne peut l’être en OTA pour le moment.


Posté ce midi sur Facebook par VW


Dear ID. Drivers,
In the past few weeks, we have received many similar questions on essential topics. In the following, we have summarized the most important information according to the current status and hope that it will answer most of your questions. Further questions on these or other topics are welcome, and we will continue to make every effort to provide you with answers as quickly as possible. We ask for your understanding that we will not be able to provide more precise information on specific dates until later.
Enhancements to the We Connect ID. App
We are continuously working on improving and enhancing the app. Some new functions have already been added, most recently, for example, the preconditioning timer and the possibility of activating charging stations via the app. From the beginning of next year (2022), the app will receive additional functions that are also strongly based on your feedback (e.g. Car Finder).
Updatability of already produced vehicles from the ID. Family
Of course, we are also constantly optimizing the hardware of the ID.s - but in less finely timed steps than the software (usually with new model years or major product upgrades). It is our goal to design software updates during the year in such a way that existing ID. vehicles benefit from software improvements for as long as possible. This is possible because not all updates dig deep into the operating system or depend on new hardware.
Increasing the charging capacity via Over-the-Air (OTA) update
At the moment, the control units (ECU = electronic control unit) responsible for this are not yet updateable over-the-air. However, we are currently preparing a service campaign to which your Volkswagen partner will invite you and from which you will benefit in several ways:
  • You will receive a new, technologically updated 12 V battery - the actual reason for the service campaign.
  • At the same time, further ECUs will be made OTA updateable.
  • Improvements in winter performance and improvements in the experience of future OTA updates.
Please note that the prerequisite for the installation of these is ID.Software2.3.
Retrofittability of hardware (for subsequent activation of additional functions)
There are very strong technical dependencies between the vehicle components. Therefore, a partial hardware exchange does not usually lead to a securely functioning system. Of course, we will look at the possibility of subsequent hardware installation individually for each hardware update.
Errors in the use of the function - "Preferred charging times"
Various measures are currently being prepared for this and will be part of one of the upcoming update campaigns.
Range optimization at low outside temperatures
With the upcoming ID. Software update, we are introducing improvements through optimized thermal management. This reduces consumption and thus increases the range by adjusting the activation threshold of the battery heating, especially in short-haul operation. At the same time, the charging performance in winter is improved by adjusting the heating threshold for DC charging.
In a further step, the preconditioning of the high-voltage battery during AC charging is also improved. The maximum charging power will also be increased. The optimization of the heating curves for the interior in the new climate software also contributes to increasing efficiency on short journeys in winter.
As you can see, many of the improvements are based on your feedback and ideas! Thank you very much and best regards,
Your Volkswagen ID. Team

Incroyable le retard accumulé depuis un an par VW quand on constate ce qui se fait chez Tesla

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Le 04/11/2021 à 17:14, Flavien21 a dit :

C’est prévu, mais pas en OTA. Il va falloir passer en atelier pour mettre à jour un module qui ne peut l’être en OTA pour le moment.


Posté ce midi sur Facebook par VW

Et repris aussi par Chris :




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J'ai une ID.3 Pro (140 ch) depuis un peu plus d'un mois, c'est une voiture du direction qui avait 5000 km au compteur. J'ai fait quelques recharges sur Ionity (différentes bornes) et j'ai l'impression qu'elle recharge moins vite que prévu, moins vite que ce qu'ABRP prévoit en tout cas.


Par exemple, en pièce jointe, mes 2 dernières recharges, en ayant roulé environ 1 heure avant, avec une température extérieure de 10 à 12°C environ.


Vous avez aussi cette impression en voyant ces courbes ?

Capture d’écran 2021-11-12 à 14.00.49.png

Capture d’écran 2021-11-12 à 14.00.42.png

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Le 12/11/2021 à 14:05, GregoireM a dit :


J'ai une ID.3 Pro (140 ch) depuis un peu plus d'un mois, c'est une voiture du direction qui avait 5000 km au compteur. J'ai fait quelques recharges sur Ionity (différentes bornes) et j'ai l'impression qu'elle recharge moins vite que prévu, moins vite que ce qu'ABRP prévoit en tout cas.


Par exemple, en pièce jointe, mes 2 dernières recharges, en ayant roulé environ 1 heure avant, avec une température extérieure de 10 à 12°C environ.


Vous avez aussi cette impression en voyant ces courbes ?

Capture d’écran 2021-11-12 à 14.00.49.png

Capture d’écran 2021-11-12 à 14.00.42.png

Déjà, la température extérieure n'est pas optimale.

Franchement je suis pas très étonné de ce fait 🤨

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Je viens de tester une nouvelle borne non visible sur Charge Map. Il s'agit de bornes Allego installées à La Riche prés de Tours (parking supermarché Géant). 4 bornes en 300kw, 2 en 50 et 2 en 22. Tarif moins cher que Ionity, 0,45 le KW.

J'ai testé avec badge WeCharge. Décevant sur la vitesses ( mais mes propres conditions pas optimales -je venais de démarrer donc batteries froides, j'avais 54%, et il faisait environ 8°) avec 32KW en moyenne (j'aurais du essayer sur la borne 50KW).

Je retenterai avec une meilleure prise en compte de la courbe de charge.


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Le 06/12/2021 à 12:35, Woka a dit :

Petite révolution, l'application Weconnect affiche maintenant la puissance de charge en kW.

Une bonne chose en attendant que ce soit enfin intégré à l'ordinateur de bord.


Screenshot_20211206-123307_We Connect ID.jpg

C'est l'appli sur IOs ou sur android, je n'ai pas souvenir de ca lors de ma recharge vendredi dernier...


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Le 06/12/2021 à 12:35, Woka a dit :

Petite révolution, l'application Weconnect affiche maintenant la puissance de charge en kW.

Une bonne chose en attendant que ce soit enfin intégré à l'ordinateur de bord.


Screenshot_20211206-123307_We Connect ID.jpg

j'ai chargé hier matin, j'ai pas eu cela sous Android

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Le 06/12/2021 à 14:07, Woka a dit :

Je suis sur Android, mise à jour 2.1.3. du 29 novembre.

Comment as-tu eu cette mise à jour ? Perso celle que j'ai c'est la 2.1.1 du 3 novembre et ça m'en propose pas d'autres atm.

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Le 06/12/2021 à 15:15, supaaamika a dit :

Les déploiements sont progressifs sur les serveurs 😀

Espérons que ce soit plus rapide que la mise à jour de la voiture. :D

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