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2 Swedes just passing through France

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First, my apologies about writing in English, but although I can read some French, I just cannot write anything intelligible.


My wife & I are planning to drive from Stockholm to Spain this autumn, and I am trying to gather info now about how easy or hard it is in practice to find CHAdeMO devices and which are the companies we need to write to get recharge cards.


Is it possible to use a credit card instead? Are there any EV-charge cards that work in Belgium, Germany, Spain etc?


If we stop to take a hike in one of your many fine parks and countryside, are store owners or people in general willing to let someone recharge a couple of hours from their store or home (220 V AC), and if so, what is the customary amount of payment to offer them?


Any and all practical info about long-distance driving of an EV in France would be highly appreciated. If you don't want to reply in English, that's fine, my wife's French a bit better than mine, and we both speak Spanish, if you know that better than English. and there's always Google translate to really make the miscommunication complete! ;D

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Welcome on the forum, Viking friends !


EV drivers are still considered as extraterrestrians, here. So you'd better not rely on any external help.

And french people are unfamously known for not speaking any foreign language (including english).


France is just building its fast charging network along the (expensive) motorways. The network is called Corri-Door.

It's manager is SODETREL, a daughter compagny of our eletricity utility EDF.


They promised recently that all charging stations will go live until the end of june, but they are known for not holding the anounced deadlines. So you'd better check the availability of each charging point on ChargeMap.


You will also need to get an RFID badge from SODETREL. Crédit Card payement is not supported. They promised to enable SMS payment, but it is still not supported AFAIK.

A smartphone app should be available as payment mean too, but you'll probably be charged with roaming fees.


You can read this recent article to learn more about it.


Welcome in France, the country where everything is complicated...

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1) how easy or hard it is in practice to find CHAdeMO devices and which are the companies we need to write to get recharge cards.


Is it possible to use a credit card instead? Are there any EV-charge cards that work in Belgium, Germany, Spain etc?





2) If we stop to take a hike in one of your many fine parks and countryside, are store owners or people in general willing to let someone recharge a couple of hours from their store or home (220 V AC), and if so, what is the customary amount of payment to offer them?






French country is not the country of electric car ... because all charge unit is hold by countryside administration ... not monitored by the country.


The main problem is this.


You must have differents cards to use the rapid charge infrastructure.

SMS/Phone APP and Bank card is not possible on this infrastructure.


The most knowed card is the "Kiwhi" card : post58485.html#p58474


The new and costly system available on highway (every ~80km) now is the "Sodetrel" card.


You must use to show the status of each charge unit BEFORE you travel.






No, open park not have electrical plug ... only park for caravaning truck.

Domestic plug are not provide by any store at this time because of the 2300w minimal demand on this plug.


You must call BEFORE your travel, the park or hotel to be sure that they have plug (and a verified plug ! That it really work !).


Don't count on it, charge unit is very complex for hotel and park ... the owner don't pay attention about electric car and work on grass and tree are made with petrol tools (autonomous).


They indicate, most of the time, the next mall (supermarket) to find a charge unit ... and, be carefull, they have a lot of OUT OF ORDER (but chargemap is very accurate on this point).



conclusion : buy a Kiwhi card and find Chademo unit charge on Nissan seller ...

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Hi "lost vikings".

You did not specify which type of car you are planning to use.

There is an efficient Chademo network in France : look at "Chargemap" site or "".

Many of these Chademo spots are located within Nissan dealerships.

Problem : most of these Chademo spots have restricted working hours and/or require a specific card (kiwhipass, among others).

To sum it up : it is possible to cross France (for free) on the Chademo network... avoiding nights and week-ends.

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Hi guys


I live in Norway and plan a long trip with my Leaf for this summer, from Norway to France.


I have noticed crossing Denmark is pretty simple. Crossing France doesn't seem too complicated either but the problem is crossing Germany.. I dont know anything about Spain and their charging network.


Don't forget to order RFID cards from all the different charging operators. Keep also in mind that there is a limited amount of fast charges your car can bear before overheating. Apparently this amount is 5 on a Leaf.


Cheers !

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merci to all who have responded.


Kratus: Thans for the fine welcome and advise.


SoulEV2016. Your reply is much appreciated. I had only heard of the Kiwhi card and will order the second one two. It seems one can never have enough options. Also, the idea of calling ahead to a hotel seems very wise.


Gégé: A Nissan Leaf.


Treyen: Good luck on your trip too. I had not heard of this overheating problem before, so agoogling I will go. We have gone 500 km north of Stockholm and mostly fast charged without any problems. Our personal style is not to "make" time on the roads, but to enjoy the trip along the way. Stopping often to enjoy a pretty village, museum or countryside means we seldom fast-charge more than a few times before stopping for the night on a slow charge. Hopefully the slow-one sufficiently breaks up the approx. 5 pattern you warn us about.


Also, It sounds as if you are taking the ferry to Denmark. But EV-ing the main motorways in Sweden is not a problem this year. A lot of new stations were set up during the winter. So, with new gizmos, the reliability is so far good.


-Scott & Birgitta

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I don't really know how easy it is to charge your Leaf all across the country. But one thing is sure :


Going to the south, If you want to make a break in the Rhone valley, 100km south of Lyon, you'll be able to charge at 7KW at my home , drinking a glass of the local red wine ! Send me a private message for precise adress.



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If you choose the kiWhipass card, you can get the charging points available with this card at :


You can also have a look at to plan your trip across Europe.


Once in France, if you can't charge your EV with a Chademo device, you'll certainly need a Type 3C plug when using a 3-7kWh charging point.

The type 2 outlet isn't common here.


Our French specialty !

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