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Tout ce qui a été posté par JejuSoul

  1. For now the SOH measurements on the 2018s should be taken with a grain of salt. see - Setting up Torque to show BMS data
  2. JejuSoul

    30 kWh

    Wow! That is excellent.
  3. Apologies: there is a minor error in my update. Max and Min Battery Temps are the wrong way round. It was your fantastic screenshots that helped me notice this.
  4. This image is a few years old. EV1 refers to the Hyundai Bluon EV2 refers to the Kia Ray EV HEV refers to the Mitsubishi Fuso Canter Eco Hybrid Truck see The Soul EV cell has an energy density of 200 Wh/kg There is more detail about the cycle life of the Soul EV cells Comparing Battery Chemistries In particular the study - USABC_Final_Report_June_2014 "Cycle life and calendar life estimation were carried out using more than 10 months of life data. Initial results indicate that when LMO-free E400 takes a purely drive mode, it can run more than 248,000 miles based on 80% of capacity retention."
  5. Some more info about Kia Drivewise for the Soul EV is here -
  6. The Gwangju factory - click for bigger version
  7. The original post is here
  8. I added some more photos to my original post. - The photos are from the Jeju EV Expo in March 2016. I chatted to these guys for a while. I think it is a great idea but it is unlikely that many people are going to pay extra for it.

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